Pragmatic Programmer
[Pragmatic Programmer Book](

Pragmatic philosophy
- Your life it’s your life
* Craftsmanship
* Early adopter
— Responsibility
* Offer options
— Software Entropy
* Simplicity
* Maintenance
— Good enough software
* Quality is a requirement
— Your knowledge portfolio:
* Investment in knowledge always pays the best interest
* Read nontechnical books
* Read conceptual books
* Learn one new language every year
— Communicate
— Testability is key
Pragmatic approach
- The essence of good design: ETC
— DRY: Code, Data, Documentation (Knowledge)
* Don’t abstract too early, wait until you have copied and pasted a couple of times, examples are needed to create good abstractions
— Orthogonality:
* Eliminate effects between unrelated things
* Understandable, and easier to debug, test and maintain
* Design patterns
* Prefer composition and FP languages
— Reversibility:
* Flexible architecture
* Have options
— Tracer bullets:
* Code lean and complete
* Find the target
— Prototypes and post-it notes:
* Information gathering
* Is coupling minimized
* Collaborations between components well-defined
* Responsibilities
* Interfaces and data clear and available
- Domain languages:
* Program close to the problem domain
— Estimation:
* I’ll back to you
* optimistic, most likely and pessimistic
* model building: someone that already did it
Basic Tools
Be more productive with your tools
- The power of plain text:
* Self describing data
— Shell games
— Power Editing
— Debugging skills
* localhost test
* Explain to someone else
— Text manipulation
* Unix: sed, awk
* Scripting languages: Python
— Engineering daybooks
Pragmatic Paranoia
Validate all the information we’re given, assertions of bad data, and distrust data from potential attackers
- Design by contract
* Preconditions, postconditions: Clojure Specs
— Dead programs tell no lies
* Crash early
* Defensive programming is a waste of time let it crash! (Supervisor)
— Assertive programming
* Use assertions to prevent the impossible
— How to balance resources
* Release free resources
— Don’t outrun your headlights
* take small steps always
Bend or break
Make our code as flexible as possible, a good way to stay flexible it’s to write less code
- Decoupling
* Allow flexibility
* Shy code that promotes cohesion
* Law of Demeter: Depend on abstractions
* Avoid global data
* Avoid inheritance
— Juggling the real world
* Events
* Finite state machine
* Observer
* Publish/Subscribe (Channels)
* Reactive Streams
— Transforming programming
* Think in programs like Input Output and transformation of data
* Process of data
* find . -name ‘*.java’ | xargs wc -l | sort -n | tail -11 | head -10
* Programming is about code but programs are about data
— Inheritance tax
* Coupling
* Interfaces to express polymorphism
— Configuration
* Parameterize your app using external configuration
- Concurrency: Two pieces of code run at the same time using Fibers, Threads, and process
— Parallelism: Hardware that can do two things at once
— Breaking temporal coupling
— Avoid shared state
— Actor and process
— Blackboards
* Communication using Kafka or other streaming services
While you are coding
— Listen to your lizard brain
* Give time and space to your brains to organize your ideas
— Algorithm speed
— Refactoring
* Rethink
* Gardening
* Unit test
* (Duplication, Not DRY, Bad performance, Outdated knowledge, Test passing. Nonorthogonal)
* Redesign
* Refactor early and often is like a surgery
— Test the code
* Feedback
* Improve design
* Embrace TDD
— Property-based testing
— Security
* Authentication
* I/O data
* Principle of least privilege
* Up to date
* Encrypt sensitive information
— Naming
* At programming all the things have names and reveal the intent and belief of the system
* Communication
Before the project
— Requirements Pit
* User doesn’t know what he wants
* Our job is to help businesses to understand what they want
* Improve the feedback loop
* BDUF is not a good thing
* Work with the user to think like one
— Solving de puzzle
* Think out of the box
* Make time to think in the unfocused mode
— Working together
* Pair programming
* Mob programming
— Agile
* It’s about values, context, and feedback loop
Pragmatic Teams
— Pragmatic Teams
* No broken windows
* Be aware of the environment and health of the project
* Small teams
* Cross-functional teams Tracer bullets
* Automation
* Create and identity (Team name)
* Schedule time to improve knowledge portfolio
— Context
* Use the right tools and practices
* Software delivery (When release flow is slow status meetings are high)
* Kanban
— The programmer starter kit
* Version control
* Ruthless testing
— Unit, Integration, Component, Performance
— If modules don’t work well as a unit, they won’t work well as a system
— Saboteurs: Chaos engineering
— Automate everything
* Software delivery es fully automated
— Delight your users
* What are your expectations
* Deliver quality not code
— Pride and prejudice
* Code that you feel proud
* Collective ownership